When leads get added to GoCRM, the channels tab serves as a rule book in order to define and tag where a lead originated from in order to measure return of investment.
In order to fully use the cape-abilities of channels, GoCRM web snippet must be installed on your website.
→ Website Integration
Create a Channel
Channels are managed from Marketing > Channels. You can create a new channel by select +Add Channel.
Step 1
The first step is to select a name, that will describe your channel, this could include Facebook, Google or Direct Mail.
Step 2
In the second step you can define, if a lead where to originate from this channel into your website, how could you match it. In this step you can create that rule set. If you do online ads, you can use UTM tags from your referral urls, or if you do print advertising you may have a unique landing page URL for your channel. You can skip this step if none of these rules apply.
Step 3
In this step you can select a marketing tracking number. This phone number will be uniquely designated to this channel. For example if you're trying to tracking how many phone calls you get from a magazine advertisement you can utilize this phone number in that advertisement.
Offline Marketing Tracking
In this example marketing direct mail, we've assigned it a unique tracking number as well as a unique landing page in order to track the performance of the direct mail marketing channel.
Online Marketing Tracking
We can track the performance of Cars.com by measuring the amount of phone calls through a unique phone number as well as tracking any referrals into the acura dealerships website.